Tuesday, October 9, 2007
My Apologies!
What's going on in the studio this week has been the finishing up of a batch of custom glazed minis for clients. I am photographing them and will be shipping them out to their owners in the next couple of days. Yeah! I do have some interesting things to share with you guys but I'll need another day or so to come up with the missing USB cord for my digital camera, or go out and get a replacement. It's hung me up and delayed me here, sorry. More soon!
Paige Easley Patty
Hanblechia Studio
Friday, August 31, 2007
Welcome to my Studio!

Welcome to my art studio blog! It comes to my attention that people who collect my equine art work might be interested in a more personalized sneak peak into my working life as an artist - and not just to view finished examples of my work. So I am inviting you take a vitual tour of my studio and share in my projects as I work on them. Here I will begin by posting some images of my current, small studio space and introduce you to some of the projects I am working on this autumn.

These photos show you that my home studio is located in a small bathroom that is roughtly 5 feet wide by 7 feet long! It conveniently includes a toillette (just out of the photo to left), a sink, a small cabinet above the sink, my kiln, and my work table. I tend to cover the walls with photos of whatever reference materials I need at the time. There is also a small linen storage closet behind the door, and just out of the photo is a tiled shower stall where I stand plastic shelves for storing plaster molds, drying greenware, some resins and ceramics I am working, buckets of slip, etc.

Most of these photos were taken back in April when my primary project was to take a traditional 1/9th oil clay sculpture I was working on and cut it up to make plaster molds of the pieces. I then slip cast the parts in earthenware ceramic as I find this material to be easier to work with than solid oil clay over a wire aramature. This next photo is of the Boulonnais sculpture reassembled now in earthenware. I found that his back was a bit too long, and his body perhaps a little too narrow, so I needed to recut the piece apart to make some changes.

Once this back surgery was completed, I could then post additional photos of the piece to my website for on going critques by my peers. Such a piece as this will eventually be fired in my small kiln and then sent on for waste molding and casting in resin for further work. When the waste resin cast has been completed and detailed into the finished product I desire, I can then send that back for the rubber production molding for a rotocast resin limited edition. At that time I will then also begin work to start on a very small ceramic edition as well with various custom glaze finishes. More information about this project may be found both on my website and my Yahoo news group - links are posted to the upper left side of this blog.

So this is my studio, and this is what I do! I sculpt equines (horses), I also occationally do large oil paintings, jewelry, custom glazing and cold painting of other artists' sculptures, and whatever else strikes my fancy. I currently have a backlog of custom orders to keep me busy for the next year. Therefore my studio is not currently open to taking on additional work at this time. Please feel free to join my Yahoo news group and to keep an eye on this site for further updates, finished pieces, and just fun sneak peaks of whatever I am working on from time to time. Comments are most welcome!